1 in 3 adults in the United States currently suffer from chronic joint symptoms or arthritis. Arthritis is a complex disorder that has more than 100 conditions, the common symptom persistent joint pain and inflammation.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form. 21 million adults suffer with OA in the United States. It is associated with either an injury or unusual stress to that joint, usually from a work-related repetitive injury or physical trauma. Also known as Wear and Tear, OA is an erosion of the cartilage that normally envelops the ends of the bones in the joint; they begin to rub together causing pain. Damaged joint tissue can cause the release of a substance called prostaglands, which also contributes to the pain and swelling. As the cartilage wears away, the joint may lose its normal shape. The bone ends thicken and the bone at the edge of the joint may grow outward and form bony spurs. Fluid filled cysts may form in the bone near the joint and bits of bone or cartilage may float loosely in the joint space causing severe pain.
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