Non-specific Rheumatism Disorder
Non-specific Rheumatism Disorder
Rheumatism has become a general term for medical problems that affect the heart, joints, kidney, bones, lung and skin. There is a huge list of herbal remedies that are recommended in battling Rheumatism but modern medicine understands that there is several different causes to the condition, and that each case requires different/individual treatment.
Because Rheumatism is such a broad term is contains several disorders. The major disorders are: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatic heart disease, shoulder/neck/back pain, and zolymyalgia rheumatica among others.
If you look at the above list you will notice that several of these disorders have little in common. The common characteristics that they all share is that they cause chronic pain that is difficult to treat. With the above in mind it is easy to see why Rheumatism is so common. This commonality as well as generality is also reflected by the immense amount of herbal medicines, and other ancient techniques that are available to treat Rheumatism. Primary treatment for Rheumatological diseases begins primarirly with paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
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